Product Features
Incident Xpress is a NexGen Security Incident Reporting subscription software engineered from the ground up as a cloud-based application hosted on the Microsoft Azure platform.

Security of a customer’s data while stored on the server and during transmission is essential. Incident Xpress Inc. selected Microsoft Azure Cloud Services to host the product and client data. Customers can feel comfortable knowing that their data is more secure than most companies can ensure with internal systems. Microsoft invested over one billion dollars and employed more than 3,000 cyber security experts to make their cloud services reliable and secure. LEARN MORE ABOUT INCIDENT XPRESS’ SECURITY FEATURES HERE >
Entering a new incident in Incident Xpress is a breeze. The flow is logical – When (did it happen), What (happened), Where (did it happen), Why (did it happen) and Who (was involved). A Summary section allows the documentation of how incidents unfold, and an Attachment section stores photographs, drawings, notes, witness and victim statements, investigator notes, copies of trespass warnings, etc. And, to mitigate risk of liability and of re-occurrence recommended Corrective Actions can be documented before an incident is closed. WATCH THE TUTORIAL VIDEO >
Any incident reporting application must ensure that data entered is consistent and reliable. To facilitate this, Incident Xpress makes extensive use of lookup lists that an user can simply select from. Pre-populated lookup lists are provided for: Corrective Action, Departments, Gender Type, Incident Class, Location, Person Type, Referral Agency, Root Cause and Vehicle Involvement.
Incident Xpress was designed to be flexible in meeting the needs of an organization no matter how small or complex it is. There can be one user or an unlimited number of users. Users can be assigned to workgroups or teams. There is no limit on the number of workgroups. Users assigned to a workgroup are granted the pre-configured user privileges for that workgroup making it super simple to add new users.
Every incident reporting application needs a champion user to oversee setting up, deployment and management of the system. This person is usually referred to as the System Administrator or SA. Administration has been configured so that the System Administrator does not need to have technical knowledge. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ADMINISTRATION MENU IN THIS VIDEO >
An important benefit of any incident reporting system is how comprehensive the search function is and how intuitive it is to use. Each user with proper privileges can create and save their own searches as reports to their Dashboard for their access only, or to Reports for all users to access. Incident Xpress also ships with the most common search and analysis criteria pre-configured for each vertical. These reports are accessible simply by selecting a thumbnail in the Dashboard or Reports section of the system. Easily edit the search criteria by selecting the pencil icon and adjusting the data accordlingly.
All incident reporting solutions document potential litigious events which means that data must be accurate and stand against any challenge to the truthfulness of the content. To meet this challenge Incident Xpress’ audit function tracks who signs in and what they do after signing in. With Incident Xpress, you are able to track minuet detail such as every edit made in an incident. You can also track other important system changes such as workgroup or lookup edits or system stats such as who logged in and out at what times.
Serious incidents require a well-orchestrated response. Depending on the type of incident, one or more managers/personnel may need to be notified when an incident of that type occurs. When an incident class requiring notification is selected in Incident Xpress, an automatic email message with the basic incident details is sent to predefined interested parties. Set up as many email notifications as required.
All that is needed to access the product on a computer, tablet or smartphone is an Internet connection. Take your devices in the field with you and easily log in to our pared down version of Incident Xpress – all at no extra cost to you. Enter incidents, search the database or access your Dashboard or saved Reports, all from your mobile devices*. Incident reporting on the go! *Tested for iOS and Android.
There is a direct relationship between the cost to acquire software and the overhead of the company that makes the software. To ensure the lowest possible subscription cost, the Incident Xpress founders decided that Incident Xpress Inc. had to be a virtual company to the maximum extent possible. This means limited staff, limited physical presence as well as limited spending. What it doesn’t mean is a low quality product! Our goal has always been to provide a comprehensive NextGen Incident Reporting solution that is suitable for small to mid-size organizations that are looking for an affordable option to track their security incidents. VIEW PRICING >
If the Incident Xpress software does not measure up to your expectations, you can cancel your subscription at any time, effective the subscription anniversary date. Simply open the Administration > Subscription section in your account and select the ‘Cancel Subscription’ button and your plan will be updated accordingly. Don’t forget to download your data before your access is removed using the ‘Download to Excel’ feature in Search.
If you have abandoned an incident reporting software because it was simply too difficult to manage. Or if you haven’t purchased a system due to the high cost, now is the time to consider Incident Xpress.
IT’S AS SIMPLE AS 1, 2, 3.
No pesky salespeople to worry about here and no credit card required.
Use the help center guides and video tutorials to coach you on how to personalize the system defaults to meet your specific needs. Set up the system as you want to use it and deploy it for immediate use, or just spend time evaluating it to make sure it will meet your needs.
Enter your billing and payment information in the Administration section in your free trial account to subscribe. If you find iX is not for you, simply let your free trial expire.
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What better way to see if the software is a fit for you than exploring the product yourself? No credit card required for the free trial sign up.